Sentence won against gas installation company

Our client signed a contract to install natural gas in his home with the company INSTALACIONES AKRA LEUKA, S.L. in December 2016.

The conditions of the contract explained by the salesperson of the installation company were irrefutable, since the price of the installation was €0, and this was because it was a promotion from which they could benefit only the first clients to contract the installation of natural gas in the municipality.

There were no conditions, it was a promotion, it was only limited in time and the number of contracts.

According to our client, after several months, he could not activate the gas supply because the installation had not been completed, despite a considerable amount of time having elapsed.

In February 2020, the installation company filed a monitoring judgment claim in claim for quantity against our client for an amount of €968, for not having complied with the contracted conditions that appeared in the contract signed in 2016.

The company stated that the gas installation was done correctly, that it was completed and that the cost of the installation was subsidized with a promotional discount subject to the contracting of natural gas supply and its maintenance for 12 months. .

The monitoring demand was answered OPPOSITING the alleged facts and stating that our client was only informed that the cost of the installation was €0, and this was stated in the contract that he signed and was delivered. Document that was duly provided to the AUTOS of the procedure.

In February 2021, the hearing was held in the Courts of First Instance of Dénia.

The RULINGof the sentence, recently notified, dismisses the lawsuit filed by the company INSTALACIONES AKRA LEUKA, S.L.against our client and consequently absolves him of the claims against him formulatedin the procedure, CONDEMING THE INSTALLING COMPANY TO PAY COSTS.